Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is around the corner and in the spirit of the holiday, I posed two questions to Instagram: What is your ideal Valentine's Day gift and Most romantic bagel and cream cheese combo.

The best answers for the ideal gift? A babysitter and bagels, two things I can definitely get behind. Another top answer was "your person knowing/picking up or getting you bagels but they can't eat them," because heaven have mercy on the person that takes a bite out of my bagel AMIRIGHT. (On that note, what should the punishment be for someone who brings you a bagel but takes a bite out of it? Hmm, I think a blog post idea for another day to dive into that one)

The answers for the most romantic combo were also very fun: a few everything bagels, one was everything bagel with butter because we stick together, which come on how cute. Another answer was blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese and I could definitely feel the theme of the holiday coming through. Another very on-theme response was plain schmear and strawberry jam on toasted sesame bagel. HOW CUTE OMG.

Personally, my ideal Valentine's Day gift is probably a bagel and a mani/pedi, LOL. And for the most romantic bagel combo, we could go down a rabbit hole for sure. Do I go with the most thematically-appropriate combo? My favorite one without a consideration of what it might do to my breath? Do I throw out a chocolate chip offer because it's Valentine's Day and that equals chocolate? I know, a million ways to look at a seemingly innocent and straightforward question. I'm going to do with egg everything and plain cream cheese as that is my favorite combo (if we're not talking toppings), and it would be most romantic to me to get my most favorite thing.

Do you agree with the most romantic bagel and cream cheese combo? Let me know in the comments!

And if you're still shopping for Valentine's Day gifts, we got you covered:

Until next time,


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